Thread: Lamb Chops
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TammyM[_1_] TammyM[_1_] is offline
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Default Lamb Chops

On 6 Mar 2007 13:45:02 -0600, "Bob Terwilliger"
> wrote:

>PeterLucas wrote:
>>> Got a favorite lamb chop recipe?

>> Yep......... do the same........ wait for the price reduction and then
>> feed them raw to my pooch. She *LOVES* them!!
>> Now and then I begrugingly cook some loin chops on the BBQ (on the grill
>> part so the fat burns off) for the SO. She loves them.
>> I'd rather go hungry if there was nothing else.

>If Australian lamb was the only kind available, I'd agree. Fortunately, U.S.
>lamb is much meatier and less gamy. (That's not just my opinion, it was the
>overwhelming conclusion reached when Cook's Illustrated evaluated lamb chops
>last year.)

Interesting! My experience of American lamb doesn't even begin to
favorably compare with that of antipodean lamb (well, specifically in
New Zealand, not in Ocker Land!) New Zealand lamb was an entirely
different critter and I quite literally ordered it every time I dined
out and many a time when dining in. New Zealand stores have displays
of lamb that are similar to what an American store (typical one)
stocks in beef cuts. Then again, as my Kiwi pal says, NZ is a country
of 4 million people and 40 million sheep. Do the math :-)

TammyM, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa