> On Mar 6, 3:32 pm, Louis Beam > wrote:
> I was running low on chew, so I made a 3AM trip to the all night
> Walmart in Onion City.
You are ****ing stupid.
> The parking lot was typical. Carts all over, trash littering
> the area, cars using two spaces to park. The "patrol" security
> pickup was parked and empty. Hordes of Mexcrement were outside
> awaiting some idiot to pick them up for labor. Nothing but
> coons and Mexcrement inside shopping. The restroom was filthy
> as usual.
And this differs from every other parking lot of every other mall, shopping
center, grocery store and Wal Mart at 4am?
> There was only one checkout lane open, the tobacco lane. There
> was a negress sow [She must of weighed 400 pounds] using her
> food stamps to pay for the most outlandish items. She had two
> carts, one for purchases and one for returns. At 3****ingAM she
> had stuff to *return*.
Again, every store that is open 24 hours only have one checklane open at
that time. Being a former third shift worker, 4am is lunch time or final
break for some workers.
> This took about twenty minutes to conduct. The sow was on a
> cell phone to her cousin the whole time. She paid for the food
> with food stamps, and gave the register person $100 bills for
> the remainder of the items.
> I guess it's easier to cash flow when the BIG MASSA gubmint
> picks up your food supply for you.
> Finally I got to the counter to checkout and the sow was still
> there gabbing on her cell phone. At 4****inAM in the morning.
> Gitmo is a WarCrime.
> Buy guns and ammo while you still can. Race
> war is coming.http://tinyurl.com/3xla5y
> I recommend at least 0.40 calibre handguns.
> And, of course, at least 0.308 Rifles.
> Read about "Leaderless Resistance"
> hehttp://www.louisbeam.com/leaderless.htm
> and hehttp://tinyurl.com/34gylr
> "If every person has the right to defend--even by
> force--his person, his liberty, and his property,
> then it follows that a group of men have the right
> to organize and support a common force to protect
> these rights constantly." - Frederick Bastiat, 1850.
you are a ****ing idiot. I felt it was imperative to say it twice.