Taco truck is back !
In article .com>,
"dtwright37" > wrote:
> On Mar 6, 2:38 pm, Omelet > wrote:
> > But I know what you mean. The older I get, the braver I get when it
> > comes to stuff like this.
> Heh. I hadn't had tripas tacos since I was a kid in San Antonio when I
> came back after having been gone for 25 years or so. Then I got a job
> at Lackland AFB as one of the very few Anglos in my division.
> Soon after I started, we had a taco booth at a fiesta during Hispanic
> Heritage week. The guys I worked with fried some tripas for breakfast
> tacos and thought it would be great fun to offer me the first one. I
> took a bite, they all watched, and all I said was, "needs more salsa."
> I was one of the guys after that.
> David
That'll work! ;-D
Peace, Om
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