Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee: Kolorfool Kakes
In article >,
Nick > wrote:
> Amelia wrote:
> > This episode was one of the worst yet in that it was boring. SLop
> > decorating three cakes and chugging cake-flavored booze down her
> > gullet. Like we haven't seen that before.
> >
> > Except for the hair -- which only reminds how juvenile it is for
> > someone to be so dedicated to decorating packaged-mix cake with tub
> > icing and sprinkles. I'd have thought she was shooting for an A in
> > sixth grade science class, what with her breathless directions on how
> > to properly ''tie-dye" a cupcake. [Note, she didn't make the MV
> > "spiderweb" version.]
> >
> > I mean, isn't it sad that a woman approaching 50 would take food
> > coloring and a toothpick to the top of a cupcake with such
> > enthusiasm?
> Is she really that old? She would look damn good for 50.
Neither IMDb nor Wiki have a birthdate for her.