Origin of Worcestershire Sauce
Back in the day of 1830 or there abouts myself and my partner John had
occasion to visit a saloon of sorts called the "Lusty Lady" round about
near Beaumont, in the Spanish Territory of Tejas just outside of the
former Colonies of what you would call the United States. Here you could
get a beer for a nickel, a shot for a dime and a room by the hour. Now in
this particular Saloon was also a pile of various kinds of foods laid out
on the end of the bar for it's clientele. Little sandwich breads and some
pieces of what might have been considered meat at one time, along with
little pickles and mustards and this black sauce to dunk em in to soften up
that ole nasty bread the Americans are so famous for. The Frenchies in
Nar'lens, a town somewhere in the Louisiana Territories to the east call
them whore derbs or some such probably I can only surmise it was because of
the type establishment these treats was served in.
That particular night we visited a right dandy River Boat gentleman, or so
he boasted,
comes in to inspect the ladies and maybe find a quick game of chance among
the locals. While he was awaiting for a particular attractive young lady
he had spied earlier to finish talking to her daddy whom I also surmised
a small sugar cane plantation nearby because I overheard her whispered to
the Barkeep before heading upstairs that she had to go take care of her
Sugar Daddy's little business and as usually it wouldn't take long. She
sashshawed up the stairs, all the while waving her little finger to the
Anyway, this dandy fellow ordered himself a beer and make himself a
of sorts and he then pours that black sauce all over it. Upon tasting it,
he called out to the Barkeep and says "Barkeep! Wass dis here sauce". John
and I immediately looked at each other and gasped at the irony these blokes
could speak such proper English and proceeded to question the cook out back
great length about how he makes that sauce. Ever since that fateful day...
William Henry Perrins
Lea and Perrins Worcestershire Sauce