Cherry wood in white zinfandel and questions on making it sparkle
Hi all, I'm new here and have a few questions. I started a white Zinfandel
kit with the intention of making most of it into sparkling Zinfandel. I'm
wondering about the stabilizing and clearing stages. The kit contains a few
things like potassium sorbate, potassium metabisulphite, kieselsol and "pack
D" which reads: Clarifier, add last after kieselsol
Allergy Alert Chitosan is A shellfish derivative
So, which of these would kill the yeast? Which are safe to add? Are there
any alternative methods of clearing the wine without adding all these
On a final note I added about a cup of cherry wood chips in hot water to the
kit at the start because I thought it might improve the taste, any thoughts?
Thanks everyone!