Removing tomato seeds
Nancy2 wrote:
> On Mar 9, 12:27 am, Leonard Blaisdell > wrote:
> > In article .net>,
> >
> > "anon" > wrote:
> > > Know an easy way to remove tomato seeds from canned whole tomatoes?
> >
> > Sure. Slice them in half and hand squeeze through a sieve into a pot
> > that fits the sieve. If you absolutely hate seeds, pick any remaining
> > seeds out with your fingers or a paring knife. Provided you don't care
> > about the juice, ignore my sieve advice and squeeze into your sink.
> The TV chefs just squeeze them in their hands - sounds sort of
> abusive, but it certainly works on canned tomatoes which don't keep
> their shape, anyway.
> N.
This is also a common way of squeezing lemons (where the seeds are
more obtrusive than tomatoes). For canned tomatoes you could try
halving them crosswise (if they're truly whole) and, while applying
gentle pressure, rotating them in your hand above a strainer (as if
you were gently juicing a lemon). The seeds and liquid will drop into
the strainer, and you can separate them and save the liquid of you