Complimentary words that relate to food.
On Fri, 9 Mar 2007 22:13:20 -0000, "Rich" > wrote:
>"Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
>> Rich wrote:
>>> You can say Tom is tasty, Susie is saucy, Des is dishy.
>>> Okay, what can you say for, Carol is.......?
>>> I cannot think of any. TIA.
>> a real peach.
>> a real tomato.
>> a hot tamale.
>> the big cheese.
>The last one is sort of getting there.
>I am looking for words beginning with "C".
Pull out your favorite cookbook and look through the index. Pretty
simple. Cream puff, conch, crab, courgette, coconut etc. Is coochie
food related? The real "c" word probably won't work for your app.