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Gunner[_4_] Gunner[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 359
Default Tamarind

Tamarind ( ) is one of the key
ingredients of Worcestershire Sauce along with garlic, soy sauce, onions,
molasses, lime, anchovies, vinegar and other seasonings. Native to Africa,
part of India then to Asia for millennia and finally introduced by the
Spanish in Mexico most likely through the Manila Galleon Trade periods
rather than the Moorish influence. It is widely used in Asian/Indian
Cooking. It is one of those flavor ingredients that few American Kitchens
have on hand but you can bridge Asian, Indian, Mid Eastern/Moroccan,
Caribbean, as well as Mexican recipes with it.

In Mexico Tamarind is most often made into a drink or candies but it's
citrus flavors makes a very good marinade, especially combined with
chiles. A safe bet is to use the Ancho/Pasilla for the fruity flavor. More
seasoned chile users may want to try use a Habaneros or two, again a citrus
flavor which if you do not like very much heat, only use one, leave it
whole and fish it out after 10-15 minutes. Tamarind also plays well with
others such as fruits, apples, grapefruit, mangos, guava sour oranges, and
spices such as garlic, cumin, ginger & anchorite paste (annatto seeds) .
The fruit nectar drinks like JuMex also makes for a very nice recardo if you
do a reduction to thicken it up some what. Add a little umami flavor from a
good soy, maggi or even good old MSG. You can use it with just about every
meat, fowl or fish. I like grilled Snapper or Grouper either with a
Lime/Tamarind recado or a Cumin/Sour orange sauce ( little Tequila never
hurt this sauce)

If you can get fresh pods try making your own (available across the southern
US), it is a sticky mess but the taste is much better than the commercial

Here are a few recipes for those wanting to try it, if others have recipes
please post them they would be appreciated

Start with the quintessential Grilled Pork Ribs with Tamarind Recado it may
well become your next best BBQ sauce. There are many versions of this
classic as there are weekend griller's secret family BBQ sauce. So tweak as
you wish.

Chuletas de Puerco Adobados, (pork chops), but you can use a loin roast (
French the bones to make it extra fancy) as well then slice it in to
individual chops at the table:,00.html

Grilled Shrimp with Tamarind Recado:

Cordero con Tamarindo (Leg of Lamb with Tamarind and Potatoes)