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Ravenlynne Ravenlynne is offline
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Default OT - ROFL...( Iron Chef America

Peter wrote:
> "Michael "Dog3" Lonergan" > wrote in message
> 6.121...
>> Pennyaline >
>> :
>>> Christopher Helms wrote:
>>>> On Mar 10, 6:17 pm, Andy <q> wrote:
>>>>> I understand it's a lot of TV theatrics but at the beginning of the
>>>>> show where they introduce the Iron Chefs and the guest chef chooses
>>>>> the Iron Chef to compete against, I have to laugh and wonder, do the
>>>>> other Iron Chefs go home with parting gifts???
>>>>> Andy
>>>> Yeah. They all get a supply of Rice-O-Roni, "The San Francisco
>>>> Treat."
>>> And the Iron Chef America home game.

>> Okay, okay, okay... I just got a mental image of Sandra Lee in competition
>> with Rachel Ray on Iron Chef America. Bwaaaahaaahaa... I can see the
>> camera focusing on SL's failed attempt to open a can of condensed soup
>> while RR has talked her sous chef to death while missing the time limit.
>> SL would take home Kraft Macaroni and Cheese boxed Dinner. RR would take
>> home a 30 minute kitchen timer to tell her when her time is up.
>> Michael

> Did you see the Iron Chef with RR? She paired up with Mario to take on
> that italian chick with the giant head and BBQ Bobby. She did OK, better
> than big head who is actualy a chef.

I'm not a fan of RR, but she worked her ASS off on that one while her
partner schmoozed the judges.