grilled cheese sandwich (sorta was 'cats and velveeta')
Serene Serene Bo-Bean > wrote:
>blake murphy wrote:
>> okay, assume i don't know much about cooking. (i know for some of
>> you this won't be difficult.) how do you make your grilled cheese?
>> i've seen instructions about buttering the outside of the bread before
>> pan-frying, but how do you butter the second side? do you assemble
>> sandwich, butter one side, plop in the pan and remove top slice,
>> butter and replace? does what i'm saying make sense?
>Assuming this isn't a troll, here's how I do it. I butter one side
>of each slice of bread, put the first slice butter-side-down in the
>pan, put the cheese on that, then cover with the other slice of
>bread, butter-side-up.
I put olive oil in the (usually cast iron) pan, then once it
is hot, place the bread, cheese, and second slice of bread in
the pan in that order. When it comes time to flip it, I first
pour a little more olive oil in the pan, off to either side of
the sandwich. I then lift the sandwich out of the pan with
a pancake flipper, tilt the pan so that the olive oil I just
added it rolls evenly about the middle of the pan, and put the
flipped sandwich back in the pan.
Things to avoid: not having the oil hot enough before starting;
burning the sandwich; not melting the cheese. In some situations
it's necessary to turn down the heat, place a lid over the sandwhich,
and give it an extra minute in order to achieve cheese melt.