grilled cheese sandwich (sorta was 'cats and velveeta')
family cook said...
> On Mar 11, 12:07�pm, blake murphy > wrote:
>> okay, assume i don't know much about cooking. * (i know for some of
>> you this won't be difficult.) *how do you make your grilled cheese?
>> i've seen instructions about buttering the outside of the bread before
>> pan-frying, but how do you butter the second side? *do you assemble
>> sandwich, butter one side, plop in the pan and remove top slice,
>> butter and replace? *does what i'm saying make sense?
>> any other tips and lies also welcome.
>> your puzzled pal,
>> blake
> Hi, Blake,
> It's not so hard. Butter one side, put in pan. While it is warming up,
> butter the top side. Turn when appropriate. There, see?
> Nancree
I make them that way too.
On occasion I'll make french toast/grilled cheese sandwiches. Basically
just a cheese only Monte Cristo. I'll finish it with a little butter on top
and eat it with a knife and fork.