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TammyM[_1_] TammyM[_1_] is offline
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Default Ping TammyM & Victor Sack

On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 23:53:36 +0100, (Victor Sack)

>TammyM > wrote:
>> Sorry, I'm humor-impaired today. I had to put down my nearly 20-year
>> old kitty yesterday. Norman Bates, RIP :-(

>Oh, the polydactyl one... :-( My condolences, Tammy. At least you can
>take those locks off your refrigerator now...

Oh my god, you remembered. I was reminiscing about Norman with my
former roommate (and life-long best friend who lived with me through
the early Norman years) last night. I told her that Norman was in a
better place, a place where he had unfettered access to both
refrigerators and cupboards .... where no one would scold him for
breaking into a package of pasta or a bag or beans ... where there
were no inferior canine beings befouling his pleasure palace ... and
where humans knew their places which of course, were only to serve
Him. :-)

I haven't had to put rubber bands on my kitchen cupboards for a long
time now, and with the purchase of a new refrigerator a few years
back, Normie couldn't poach from it a roast or a heart-shaped marble
cheesecake baked for friends' anniversary (not that I'm keeping track.
No, seriously....). He just got too old. But even to the last day,
he tried to snag a tomato off the kitchen counter. It warmed my

He was Normando the Gourmando to the very end.

Damn, I loved that cat!

Thanks for remembering, Victor.

TammyM, still tearful