Bob's Cookalong is Up and Running
"Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote
> So, Bob's waiting and is salivating in virtual time to both see what you
> cooked and to know what you have to say about it and him. I'd say he's
> dying to read it, but you know....sort of in poor taste donchaknow.
> Soooo, man the torpedos, full speed ahead, this cookalong is started. I
> sent in a report on tuna noodle salad (no comments, okay, it has staying
> power).....we'll keep cooking until Bob or the Man Up Stairs has other
> plans.
Well, I was thinking of making scallops but I could not find
stingray *anywhere* ... darn.
(laugh) Hmmm. What could I make that would be Bob worthy.
If memory serves, I think Bob likes a good steak, so that's what
it will be. Or that Jersey invention, Italian hot dog?
Steak it is.