Been a while
modom (palindrome guy) wrote:
> My wife's mother died at 9 Friday, March 2. She was 81. Type-one
> diabetes (regular blood sugar checks and insulin injections) had been
> with her for almost 70 years. She was one tough woman.
> Yesterday there was a memorial service at M's retirement home. Her
> other son-in-law, a retired Presbyterian minister spoke for a time
> about religious things, and then we celebrated her memory with a small
> jazz ensemble and snacks. The snacks were pretty bad, but the jazz
> was lovely. She loved jazz.
A very nice way to send her off, Mike. You and your family have my deepest
sympathies. John's mom had a stroke and was pretty much incapacitated. She
died in a hospice on February 1st. Please convey my sympathies to your