Google Multi Million Dollar Lawsuit
DidiWinYet > wrote:
|| On Mar 1, 5:38 pm, "Julie Bove" >
||| "Kevin" > wrote in message
||| news:8YIFh.1186621$5R2.846510@pd7urf3no...> Hi, My name is
||| Kevin I have been trying since 2004 to make money with
|||| google adsense. I have failed
||| <snip>
||| And so you're gonna spam newsgroups. Maybe the reason
||| you've failed is
||| because you're not very smart?
|| Whoa that is cold cold cold lol *****
But honest.... :-)
"When ideas fail, words come in very handy." -- Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe
Glory, glory the world is saved by the Democrats. They promise
to be just as honest and bipartisan as they were before the 1994