Bob's Cookalong is Up and Running
Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> I didn't get a response from Chatty Cathy about the rfc website and if she
> would be able to cover it,
Well, actually I did respond ginny... maybe your news server skipped my
post or maybe you have me KF'd <veg>
(Please remember that I am 7 or 8 hours ahead of the USA so I was asleep
when you Ping-ed me and only replied a few hours later). But this is
what I said:
I have considered this. But... I am a "newbie" around here (only been
participating in r.f.c. for a couple of years) so I haven't had the
privilege of knowing most of the people you mentioned. However, if you
(or any of the other long standing members of r.f.c) would like to
compile a list, I am sure I can do something.
I would need their nicknames, the date they passed on (the year will do)
and maybe a little bit of a bio. on them?
If anyone would like to do this, please email the list(s) to me:
webmaster (at) recfoodcooking (dot) com.
Many thanks
Chatty Cathy