On Mon, 12 Mar 2007 17:46:33 -0700, Serene Serene Bo-Bean
> wrote:
>Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
>> So, Bob's waiting and is salivating in virtual time to both see what you
>> cooked and to know what you have to say about it and him. I'd say he's
>> dying to read it, but you know....sort of in poor taste donchaknow.
>> Soooo, man the torpedos, full speed ahead, this cookalong is started.
>Thanks for organizing this. I am stumped about what to cook, but I
>will figure something out today and cook and take pics tomorrow.
>Hmmmmm. What's everyone else making?
We had leftover flank steak with an Asian flavor. I'll start playing
tomorrow if I can. Bob's a real treasure.