Bob's Cookalong is Up and Running
jmcquown wrote:
> Serene Serene Bo-Bean wrote:
>> Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
>>> So, Bob's waiting and is salivating in virtual time to both see what
>>> you cooked and to know what you have to say about it and him. I'd
>>> say he's dying to read it, but you know....sort of in poor taste
>>> donchaknow.
>>> Soooo, man the torpedos, full speed ahead, this cookalong is started.
>> Thanks for organizing this. I am stumped about what to cook, but I
>> will figure something out today and cook and take pics tomorrow.
>> Hmmmmm. What's everyone else making?
>> Serene
> Make whatever you think of as "comfort food", Serene.
Yes, that's one thought, but I'm also thinking of making something
either prettier or more elaborate, because that gives me joy, and
might potentially give Bob and Carol joy. This may be his last
virtual food party, and I want it to be a bash. Y'know?