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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Would you put a frozen roast in the crock pot

On Mar 13, 5:35�pm, Reg > wrote:
> Terry wrote:
> > I never tried it. *Thawing one out first kind of seems pointless.
> > Bad idea?

> Yep, bad idea. Rapid thawing will ruin the texture and you'll
> end up with dry meat after cooking, even using a wet cooking
> method.

With stew it makes no differece to texture whether meat is thawed slow
or fast (so long as it's thawed safe), with stew the only thing that
affects texture is length of time cooked. And if someone is cooking a
meat dish where texture matters, like a rib roast rare, then it never
should have been frozen. Of course for those who cook rib roast well
done nothing matters, those have taste in ass disease so doesn't make
any difference if you feed them shit.
