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Default Illegal Alien Shantytowns Spreading Diseases, Death

On Mar 13, 4:10 pm, "DorE" > wrote:
> Illegal Immigrants Are Spreading Dangerous Diseases Across This Nation
> By Dave Gibson
> It is often said that the flood of illegal immigrants into this
> country is reaching 'epidemic proportions.' While that statement is
> true--it is just as true that the illegal immigrants pouring over the
> U.S.-Mexican border are endangering this country with actual
> epidemics. Tuberculosis, hepatitis, dengue fever, chagas, and even
> leprosy are being imported into the U.S. inside the bodies of illegal
> aliens...And you thought they only carried heroin-filled baloons
> inside their bodies!
> A 'hot-zone' of disease can be found in this nations border states.
> Illegal immigrants are setting up so-called "colonias" just inside the
> states of New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The shanty towns are
> comprised mostly of cardboard shacks and huts made with cast-off
> building materials. They have no sanitation, and are surrounded by
> mounds of garbage. The estimated 185,000 illegals share their
> makeshift towns with armies of rats. Of course, diseases only common
> to Central and South America run rampant in these places.
> One of the imports to this country is chagas disease. It is caused by
> a parasite known as trypanosome. It is a blood-borne disease and is
> spread by triatomine insects. The parasite burrows into human tissue
> (usually in the face), where it then begins to multiply. In addition
> to being spread by insects, it can also be contracted through blood
> transfusions.
> After cases of chagas were reportedly discovered to have been spread
> by transfusions in Canada, that nation began testing all blood
> donations for the disease.
> For 40 years, the number of recorded cases of leprosy within the
> United States totaled 900. Today, we know of more than 7,000 current
> cases of leprosy in the U.S.
> Dr. John Levis of New York's Bellevue Hospital's Hansen Disease Clinic
> said of America's documented cases of leprosy: 'There are probably
> many, many more and they are spreading."
> Most of those in the U.S. who are suffering from leprosy are from
> Mexico, India, Brazil, and the Caribbean. However, there are a few
> documented cases in which the person became infected with leprosy
> inside the U.S. The majority of the cases have been discovered in this
> nation's northeastern region.
> Once thought to be nearly eradicated in this country, TB is now making
> a strong comeback. In a recent interview with Mother Jones Magazine,
> Dr. Reichman of The New Jersey TB Clinic recently said: In the 1990's,
> cases among foreign born Americans rose from 29 percent to 41.6
> percent. Antibiotic resistant strains from Mexico have migrated to
> Texas. Since three years ago, 16,000 new cases of TB were discovered
> in the United States. Half were foreign born. Strains of TB once only
> found in Mexico have migrated to the border states of Texas, Arizona,
> New Mexico, and California. It will move north as illegal aliens work
> in restaurants as cooks, dishwashers, and food handlers. We sit on the
> edge of a potential catastrophe."
> In 2001, New York's Tuberculosis Control Program discovered that 81
> percent of that city's new cases of TB were attributed to immigrants
> Cases of TB are now being found in many areas of the country, where
> there are high concentrations of illegal immigrants. In March of 2002,
> The Washington Post reported that Virginia's Prince William County
> experienced a 188 percent increase of TB infections over the previous
> year. Yes, the streets of Prince William County are over-run with
> illegal aliens seeking day-laborer jobs.
> Last year, the rate of TB in the northern part of Virginia rose 17
> percent. The Va. Department of Health blamed the rise on that region's
> recent flood of illegal immigrants. Many strains of TB are being found
> in certain neighborhoods, which are dominated by illegal Latin
> American immigrants.
> The threats posed to our country by illegal immigration are many.
> However, our political leaders will undoubtedly continue to ignore
> them. Our own president is willing to place all Americans at risk, in
> exchange for securing the Latino vote for the Republican Party.
> [ed note: they know most Latinos won't vote Republican. It's
> being done to supply slave labor to the upper class and to
> eliminate the white middle class]
> If left unchecked, illegal immigration will destroy this nation one
> way or another.

And all the major candidates pander for the latino vote while our
country is being flooded.

greg New Nation News