Bob's Cookalong is Up and Running
"Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote in message
> I sent the following letter to Bob's wife:
> > Ginny TadrzynskVirginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> > Hi Carol,
> > You don't know me from Adam's housecat, but Barb Schaller gave me the
> > email address and can vouch that I am relatively harmless.
> >
> > Recently we have been having what are referred to as 'cook-alongs' on
> > rfc. What that amounts to is we pick a topic, the last was gumbo, and
> > make it on a specific day where ever we may be, and report back to the
> > group how it turned out. To say the latest news on Bob's condition is
> > devastating to the group and we want to do something, knowing in
> > practicality that physically doing something is next to impossible, so
> > we came up with this idea:
> >
> > When there is a sickness or passing, people usually band together,
> > cook a comfort food known as 'their' specialty and deliver it to the
> > home. We want to do this for Bob. We will hold a cook-along of
> > comfort foods, not on a specific date, but over the next few days,
> > sorta like how food is delivered to you by your neighbors, one comes
> > one day, the other the next.
> >
> > We will cook it, describe it, and why we feel it is a comfort food.
> > We thought Bob would like the idea, in that being the literati that he
> > is, he can have his Tom Sawyer moment, when Tom attended his own
> > funeral. We want Bob to know what we would send to you if we could,
> > what we think of him and that we love him. How many times have we
> > heard people say at wakes, funerals, send offs, what have yous, that
> > 'so and so would have loved this, s/he should be her'. We want Bob
> > to be there, to enjoy it and say 'Damn, they really DO like me'.
> >
> > I hope that I have not offended anyone with this. Please know that
> > this is suggested out of our love for Bob.
> >
> > Sincerly,
> Ginny Tadrzynski
> She responded as such:
> Ginny, that's a lovely thought, and not the least bit offensive. Bob
> thinks the idea is great, although he said, "As long as it's a VIRTUAL
> cook-along." That means that we don't need food at present -- friends
> and family have been keeping us well supplied -- but the idea of reading
> about "what we would send if we could, what we think of him and that we
> love him" is very thoughtful. Please go ahead with it on a virtual level
> -- Bob will be thrilled to hear about the virtual foods. You're very
> kind to suggest it.
> Thanks,
> Carol
> I didn't get a response from Chatty Cathy about the rfc website and if she
> would be able to cover it, so I took Barb up on her kind offer of posting
> her jamlady eboard. Bob and Carol read that, so they would have access to
> what we write and the pictures we send. I cut and pasted the instructions
> on how to get the info to Barb from one of her earlier postings:
> "I'm ready to offer my website to post the pictures
> and our words. Unless someone's got a better idea, when you make your
> dish, take a picture or two (not too many, please) and size them down to
> no more than maybe 150kb (is that reasonable) and send them to me along
> with the telling of whatever you're wanting to tell. Send them to my
> name (without anything between my first and last names) at
> If somebody's got another or a better idea, that's okay, too."
> So, Bob's waiting and is salivating in virtual time to both see what you
> cooked and to know what you have to say about it and him. I'd say he's
> dying to read it, but you know....sort of in poor taste donchaknow.
> Soooo, man the torpedos, full speed ahead, this cookalong is started. I
> sent in a report on tuna noodle salad (no comments, okay, it has staying
> power).....we'll keep cooking until Bob or the Man Up Stairs has other
> plans.
> -ginny
Just sent a plate to Bob via the Mother Superior and Chief Executive Officer
of the Comfort Food Militia