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John Ashby John Ashby is offline
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Default Seasoning vegetables

Dick Adams wrote:

> I just printed that off for my wife and bookmarked the page.
> I especially like the recipe for the "Polenta Lasagna with
> Portabellas and Kale". Mushrooms have always been a favorite
> of mine. I found Kale within the last month and it is awesome
> - a fraction of the cost of lettuce and unbelievably more
> flavor. My outrageously picky-eater son likes it too.

Oh dear, you just pushed one of my hot buttons. I'm an enormous fan of
kale, always have been. There's a good reason one of the best known
varieties is called Hungry Gap.

This may offend some, but as you say you're not vegetarian, I'll point
out that traditionally in North Germany, kale (gr\"unkohl) is served
with smoked sausage or smoked fatty meats. To placate the veg gods I
recently made a pastry plait stuffed with wilted borecole and Tesco's
vegetarian frankfurters chopped into 1cm chunks as a less intensely
flavoured version which worked well, served with a tomato sauce.

And the sprouting broccoli (both purple and white) season is just
starting. Now there's a vegetable that it's impossible to serve too
much of. Don't bother with the calabrese the supermarkets palm off on
you as broccoli, it's not worth the bother. Go for the real thing.
