Blanched vegetables
jmcquown wrote:
> James Silverton wrote:
> > The recent thread on asparagus made me think about blanched
> > vegetables. I think white asparagus tastes better than green
> I've only seen white asparagus at one large vegetable market and, sadly,
> just this week found out the market has shut down. They're putting up a
> strip mall. Yeah, we need more of those. (sigh)
I can't honestly remember ever seeing white asparagus for sale here but I
saw a lot of in in Germany. I went on two European trips that got me to
Germany around the end of the first week of May, just in time for Spargle
season. Many of the restaurants where we ate had a special Spargle menu.
Let me tell you....., when you order the asparagus special in Germany you
get a honking huge serving of the stuff. It had to be more than a pound.