Thread: bread machines
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Sridhar Sathya Sridhar Sathya is offline
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Default bread machines

A few bullet points:

If you do not use a bread machine are you comfortable kneading by hand
for 20 minutes?
I live in a place where winter gets too cold. Raising in room
temperature during winter is not an option.
You are in control what ingredients go to your bread (no preservatives)!
Which bread tastes better - one hot out of the oven or the one that was
manufactured a day or two ago (By the way I use the machine to help me
knead and raise - I bake it in a oven for better crust).
Creativity - you can create new kind of bread. If you goof up - what do
you lose - 50 cents or if you buy top of the line products - a dollar.

Mr. G D Geen wrote:
> OK, I hope this is not too troll-ish.
> I bought myself a bread machine for Christmas. I had recently started
> making my own bread, rolls, etc. and thought that this little gadget may
> make things a little easier. All in all I would say yes, it does make
> bread making a little easier as it takes care of the kneading and rising
> issues without my intervention. It does not, however, really save time.
> What it will do is have a loaf a bread ready for dinner when I get home
> from work. That is a really nice feature and I do not need to wait
> until midnight to eat dinner.
> I am not sure that it was worth the investment. At times I do not think
> so but at other times it is just so nice to dump the ingredients into
> the hopper and press the button. At best I can say I am ambivalent
> about bread machines.
> OK, I know that this topic has been done to death. Now, finally having
> used one I have an opinion. I will now sit back and wait for the flames
> to roll in.
> Live well. -G