Barry wrote:
> That's what the old folks say...
> I remember, when bread was... well.. actually I don't remember what
> bread costs, I never bought any as a child.
> I do remember penny candy.
> A dollar! could get you a nice size sack of hard and chewy candy.
> I remember gasoline was 25 cents a gallon!
> Marlboro cigs where 50 cents, Watermelon flavored bubble gum was 25 cents.
> Barry
> 45 Records were 1.00
> Download singles are still... 1.00
> What a rip off music has been.
I remember much lower prices... Saturday matinaee; double feature, 25
cartoons, lots of serieals- Flash Gorden, Three Tons of Fun, Stooges,
Westside Kids, etc, Newsreels... all for 14 cents... and there were
matrons too.
Potatoes 3 cents/lb
Soup Greens, free!
Nickel candy bars were twice as big as today... Threee mustketeers was
three times as big, was actually scored to break off three sections.
A big box of Good N' Plenty was enough for a real food fight... pea
shooters in the balcony!
Of course wages sucked... even medical doctors were doing really great
at $5,000/yr., and house calls were manditory... a house call was $3,
if there was an injection another $1. Medical insurance wasn't
invented yet... lots of medical proceedures were pro bono. I had my
appendectomy for free... was my tenth birthday present, a week in the
hospital, best part of of all was the spinal, like a baseball bat
WOPped in my back, but I still can remmber the nurse that held me, my
face tight in her huge cleavage... I couldn't move and didn't want to.