In article >, Barry > wrote:
> That's what the old folks say...
> I remember, when bread was... well.. actually I don't remember what
> bread costs, I never bought any as a child.
> I do remember penny candy.
> A dollar! could get you a nice size sack of hard and chewy candy.
> I remember gasoline was 25 cents a gallon!
> Marlboro cigs where 50 cents, Watermelon flavored bubble gum was 25 cents.
> Barry
> 45 Records were 1.00
> Download singles are still... 1.00
> What a rip off music has been.
Yeah, you right! I remember buying LP records back in the 50's for about
4 to 5 dollars a pop. That was quite a bit of money for a kid back then.
As for nickels, I remember buying candy bars and Cokes for a nickel.
That would be back in the 40's. Popcorn at the movies was 10 cents.
Admission for under 12 y.o. was 17 cents. So popcorn was kind of a rip
even back then. Comic books were 10 cents, paperbacks were 25 cents;
hell of a buy!
Feeling old-