On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 20:53:19 -0500, Barry > wrote:
>That's what the old folks say...
>I remember, when bread was... well.. actually I don't remember what
>bread costs, I never bought any as a child.
>I do remember penny candy.
>A dollar! could get you a nice size sack of hard and chewy candy.
>I remember gasoline was 25 cents a gallon!
>Marlboro cigs where 50 cents, Watermelon flavored bubble gum was 25 cents.
>45 Records were 1.00
>Download singles are still... 1.00
>What a rip off music has been.
I guess I'm a child of the 60's, having been born in 1960 <g> My
memory sucks though. I do remember penny candy. I think candy bars
were about 10c when I was a kid. You got your gas tank filled by a
proper attendant AND received a grape jelly glass and green stamps :-)
Mom's specialties (why I learned to cook!) were goop and tuna
bumsteads. Bewitched and Gilligan's Island were my favorite tv shows.
My favorite lunch was grilled cheese (Wonder Bread and either Velveeta
or Kraft singles) and Campbell's tomato soup. We didn't have air
conditioning in the house and somehow we survived (utterly
inconceivable at this point in my life).
Life was good. I was blessed with loving parents. And a PITA sister