Donald Martinich wrote:
> In article >, Barry > wrote:
> > That's what the old folks say...
> > I remember, when bread was... well.. actually I don't remember what
> > bread costs, I never bought any as a child.
> > I do remember penny candy.
> > A dollar! could get you a nice size sack of hard and chewy candy.
> > I remember gasoline was 25 cents a gallon!
> > Marlboro cigs where 50 cents, Watermelon flavored bubble gum was 25 cents.
> > Barry
> > 45 Records were 1.00
> > Download singles are still... 1.00
> > What a rip off music has been.
> Yeah, you right! I remember buying LP records back in the 50's for about
> 4 to 5 dollars a pop. That was quite a bit of money for a kid back then.
Quite a lot of money for anyone, adjusted for inflation in today's
dollars that's around $30.00+ for an LP. When stereo came out in late
'57 - early '58 there was a dollar surcharge for stereo discs.
Looking at it now we wonder, "Why the big deal about the extra dollar,
why wasn't everything in stereo?". But we forget that that extra buck
in late 50's dollars is now the equivalent of $6.00 - $7.00, a lot of
money for a lot of folks back then considering that in real terms
average buying power/income is about twice what it was back then...
If you were rich you could afford a reel - to - reel tape recorder and
pre - recorded stereo tapes, the first such tapes (released by RCA in
1955) cost $14.99, or a cool hundred bux in today's money...
So music - wise at least things have gotten a bit cheaper...and all
electronics items have.