El Sur: Especialidades de Tabasco
El Sur: Especialidades de Tabasco
The cuisine of Tabasco is mysterious because of the cultural collision
between Mayans, Mexicans, and Catalonians, who speak their own version
of Spanish
Got recipes?
Amashito (chile muy pequeno)
Very small chile
Anona (chirimoya)
Cheremoya fruit
Bacal (olote de maiz)
Corn on the cob
Barbacoa de pescado, o Petze
Barbecued fish, or (a word that means "hair cut" in an extinct Mayan
Catalan sausages made of raw pork and spices
Capon (puerco castrado)
Castrated pig
Carne salada con chaya (cactaceas)
Salted meat with Mayan chay leaves (cacti) (tree spinach)
Chanchamitos en salsa (tamales cilindricos envuelto en hoja de maiz)
Mayan chicken tamales in sauce (cylindrical tamales rolled in corn
Chegua (maiz cocido)
Cooked corn
Chile Amash
A very small chile
Chinin (fruta comestible parecida al aguacate)
Avocado-like fruit
Chiquiguao (tortuga lagarto)
Alligator turtle
Chirmol de Cangrejo
Crab in a spicy stew
Chucumite (robalo pequeno)
Small sea bass
Colcobosh (cacao seco en la mata)
Dried cacao in the trees?
Cocteles de diversos mariscos
Seafood cocktails
Cuijinicuil (fruta leguminosa con forma de vaina)
Pod shaped legume
Cuino (cerdo muy gordo)
Very fat pig
Empanadas de camaron
Shrimp turnovers
Empanadas de Minilla
Fish turnovers
El que bebe (algun liquido para tomar)
Mother's milk?
Empeya (grasa de puerco, gordura)
Pork fat
Frijoles de Tabasco
Tabasco style Beans
Frijoles Negros con Cerdo Salado
Black beans with pork and pork skin. Served hot with white rice and
radish, coriander, onion, chili, lemon and salt
Gallina en sangre
Skirt steak in blood
Guao (tortuga mordedora)
Snapping turtle
Guao relleno o asado
Stuffed or roasted snapping turtle
Guineo (platano dulce)
Sweet plantain
Hicotea en estofado
Stewed painted turtle
Hicotea lampreada o en sangre
River turtle lampreada? or in blood
Huliche (Comida indígena, masa con carne de pavo)
Masa with turkey
Iguana Guisada
Iguana Stew
Jaiba Rellena
Stuffed crab
Joloche (hoja de maiz)
Corn husk
Jueche (armadillo) en adobo
Armadillo in spicy sauce
Jujo (fruta regional)
A regional fruit
Maneas (tamales grandes sin color, con Chipiln)
Large, colorless tamales with chipilin leaves
Hoja santa
Mondongo en Ajiaco
Tripe soup in chile sauce
Mone de Cerdo
Smoked pork, aka "monkey meat"
Nuegano (pan rojo en forma de bola)
Red bread in the shape of a ball
Ostion ahumado o en escabeche
Smoked or pickled oysters
Ostion al tapesco o relleno
Oysters "tapas style"? or stuffed
Pato en chirmol
Duck in chile sauce
Pejelagarto Asado
Grilled garfish with a special flavor, with chili,
"amashito"(condiment) and lemon.
Pejelagarto en Chirmol
Garfish in a spicy stew
Pescado en caldo
Fish in broth
Pescado de mone
Pescado Sudado
Steamed sea bream with salt and pepper covered with "momo" leaves
(regional plant)
Pigua al Mojo de Ajo
River shrimp in garlic sauce
Pijije y pato de monte en pipian
Pijije? and mountain duck in pumpkin seed mole
Piripollo (pastel de pollo)
Chicken pot pie?
Pishcao (maiz cocido)
Cooked corn
Pochitoque (tortuga de caja)
Box turtle
Pochitoque en Verde
Box turtle in green sauce, served as an "appetizer"
Poste de Pescado
Sun dried fish
Poxe (guisado de pescado con hoja de momo)
Fish stew with hoja santa
Puchero de Res
Beef stew
Queque (galleta dura en forma de estrella o flor)
Star or flower-shaped hard cookie
Queso Tabasqueno
Tabasco cheese
Robalo a la Tabasquena
Sea bass stuffed with shrimps, octopus, and squid. Seasoned with
orange juice and baked. Served with white rice, "chaya" leaves and
green banana
Shote (caracol de rio)
River snail
Mexican corn pie, made with tender kernels of corn, milk, eggs, cheese
Sopa de Platano Verde
Green plaintain (or green banana) soup
Sote en Verde o en Colorado
Sote? in green or red sauce
Tamales de Chipilin
Tamales filled with chipilin leaves or wrapped in chipilin leaves
Tamales de Frijol
Tamales filled with beans
Tamalitos de chipilin
Tamalitos de maiz nuevo
Tamalitos de pejelagarto
Torta de Iguana
Typical dish from Tabasco prepared with iguana, parsley, chili, onion
and eggs. It is baked in a banana leaf.
Tortilla de Ajo
Garlic tortilla with whatever else you'd like on it
Tortillas al mojo de ajo o rellenas de mariscos
Tortillas in garlic sauce or stuufed with seafood
Tortillas de frijol, yuca o platano
Tortillas filled with beans, cassava, or plantain
Tortillas de maiz nuevo
Tortillas of new corn
Tortuga en Sangre o Verde
Sea turtle in blood or green sauce
Tepezcuintle Adobado
Aztec dog in spicy sauce
Ubre asada
Roast udder
Yagual (canasto que se coloca sobre el fogón para ahumar comida)
Basket placed over the fire to smoke food
Zumuque (tamal sin carne)
Meatless tamale
Avena con Cacao
Oats with cocoa
Bunuelos de Arroz con Miel de Higo
Rice bunuelos with honey of fig
Bunuelos de Platano
Plantain or banana bunuelos
Bunuelos de Rodilla con Azucar
Dulce de Calabaza
Pumpkin sweet
Dulce de Camote
Sweet potato sweet
Dulce de Chigua (tipo de calabaza, cuya pepita se usa para preparar
Chigua is a type of pumpkin, whose seeds are used to make pipian mole
Dulce de Cocoyol
The meat of miniature coconuts is boiled with spices, cinnamon and
water to make a sweet syrup
Dulce de Huapaque
Dulce de Limon Real
Eoyal lemon sweet
Dulce de Nance (Nanche)
Byrsonima crassifolia is a tropical tree that produces the small
yellow orange fruit commonly called "nance", AKA changugu, chi, nance
agrio, nanche, nanchi, nancen, nanche de perro, nananche, and nantzin.
Nance is boiled in water with sugar to make
Dulce de Nance, but it also appears in other Mexican cooking, such as
chicken stew, and it can be fermented to make an alcoholic beverage.
Dulce de Grosella
Gooseberry dessert
Dulce de Guapague (Guapacque)
Bittersweet candy made with "guapaque" (fruit) with brown sugar
Dulce de Papaya-Zapote (Mamey)
This fruit is also known as "mamey", mixed with fig and honey.
Empanadas de Queso con Azucar
Cheese turnovers with sugar
Leche quemada
Milk and sugar, caramelized
Limones rellenos
Stuffed lemons
Sweet bread
Merengues de guanabana
Guava meringues
Nance en Licor
Orejemico (dulce de papaya tierna)
Sweet made of tender papaya
Orejas de Mico
Ears of papaya
Pan de Platano
Banana bread made with butter, flour, vanilla and bananas, sprinkled
with sugar
Layer cakes with various fruits and frosting or powdered sugar on top
Pan de huevo
Egg bread
Something cooked in a pressure cooker?
Pataste (cacao corriente de sabor agridulce)
Cacao running of sweet and sour flavor
Platano asado
Roasted banana or plantain
Platano verde machacado
Mashed green banana or plantain
Torrejas de yuca
Fried slices of yuca
Tortas de Platano
Plantain or banana cakes?
Torta de Elote
Mexican corn pie, made with fresh corn kernels or canned cream of
corn, eggs, milk, cream, flour
Tortilla de Coco
"Little tart", made of coconut and brown sugar, baked for an hour
Tostadas de platano verde frito
Fried green banana (or plantain?) tostadas
Salsa borracha
Drunken sauce
Agua de matali
Atole Agrio
Made with fermented corn boiled with brown sugar.
Non-alcoholic "atole" (thick maize drink) made from the bark from a
regional tree. "Balche" bark is fermented and sweet with honey or
anise. For the ancient Mayas, it was a ritual beverage. Today, it is a
regional drink of Quintana Roo, Yucatan and Tabasco. The Chontales, an
ethnic group from the State of Tabasco, offers balche to the Earth, to
the mountains and to the goblins, who take care of their corn crops
and domestic animals.
Something made with cacao
Can be prepared with water or milk
Refreshing drink made with corn, salt, and cacao. Served in a bowl
Conserva de torno largo, Nacajuca, Jalpa
Various prserved fruits
Sugarcane juice, corn, "pulque" (distilled spirit from cactus) and
honey. Traditional drink of Veracruz and Tabasco.
Alcoholic beverage made with sugarcane or grapes, peach and pears.
This is a domestic drink sometimes used for rituals.
A treat, whatever it is
Pinol (harina de maiz)
Corn flour
Prepared with "nixtamal" (corn flour), cacao and water.
Pozol fresco
Cool pozol
Pozol con Pixte
A mixture of toasted corn, water, and "pixte" (red sapodilla seed).
Polvillo de Maiz
Roasted white corn, ground to a fine powder, sometimes eaten with
cinnamon for Lent
Refrescos de frutas, tales como: Uspi, mango, guineos, anonas, chinín,
jujo, macal, yuca, camote, mamey, huapaque, maranon, aguacate,
cuijinicuil, pan de sopa, melocoton, pibas, caimito, platanos,
naranjas, toronjas, grosellas, chicozapote, zapote, ciruelas, nance,
jonduras, capulín, etc.
Various soft drinks
Refresco de guanabana
Guava soft drink
Refresco de naranja agria
Bitter orange soft drink
Refresco de pitahaya
Boiled beverage made of anisette, corn and chocolate. Traditional in
Yucatan and Tabasco
Green liquor