Jokes! Don't read them if you don't want to
On Mar 15, 1:23 pm, "limey" > wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > In article <RyYJh.5428$0W5.3273@trndny05>, "limey"
> > > wrote:
> > (jokes snipped)
> >> Dora
> >>
> > Why not post them instead to the appropriate newsgroup, Dora? Posting
> > then here serves only to further degrade the group.
> Point taken. It didn't dawn on me that I was degrading the group.
> However, I'm not too upset at getting reprimanded for posting jokes,
> when insulting remarks, filthy comments, just plain nastiness, or
> bragging about accomplishments go unchallenged. When I first read
> those jokes I was cheered up at a time when I am extremely worried. My
> mistake for passing them on. Thanks.
> Dora
> OB Food: Remember to watch for those low asparagus prices!
I don't think you are degrading this group- there are plenty of others
handling that!