Thread: canola oil
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Karen[_3_] Karen[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 631
Default canola oil

On Mar 15, 2:40 pm, "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote:
> I didn't start this thread!

My point exactly. You didn't start it, you have no real opinion on
canola, you are not inquiring about it, you have nothing to add about
canola oil, you feel opinions on products are useless and more. So,
why didn't you just not post about canola oil?

It would be like someone who doesn't like film, doesn't want to talk
about movies, the producers, the actors, the music, the ticket prices,
the popcorn, or anything about movies. Take that person and have him
walk into the theater and say to all of the other movie-goers, "I
don't watch movies."

Why would someone do that?
