chat server problem(s)??
notbob wrote:
> On 2007-03-16, Skyhooks > wrote:
> > Is it just me, or is there some sort of problem with the chat server(s)?
> (sigh) One last time.
> The problem is not the chat server, it's the DNS (Domain Name System)
> servers. It's hard for people to remember the octal number IP
> address, But, it's easy to remember Soooo,
> DNS servers takes names like and translate them to the
> harder to remember but technically correct IP address number, which is
> then used to locate and connect to the target server internet address
> (IP). There may also be more than one numbered IP address for one
> name or more than one name for one numbered IP address.
> For example:
> Name:
> Address:
> Name:
> Address:
> Name:
> Address:
> If you put one of the above numbers in the URL window of your web
> browser, you will get Simple, eh?
> Such is the case for the rfc chat server, whatever dot penguinpowered
> dot whatever. All those variations of the name resolve to an IP
> address number:
> IRC:
> Server:
> Port: 6667
> Using the M$DOS command, nslookup, you get:
> C:\> nslookup
> Name:
> Address:
> Name:
> Address:
> Same goes with all those irc(somenumber) variants:
> Name:
> Address:
> Name:
> Address:
> OK, let's recap. yada.penguin.yada is just a name which must be
> resolved (translated) to a number by overworked DNS servers. Quite
> often, all those DNS servers talking to each other and sharing all
> those domain names get all confused and drop a name or two here and
> there (just like rfc). In fact, whenever you have problems reaching
> any website, more often than not, it's not the target website/server
> that is down, it's those pesky DNS servers that are down or confused
> or just having a bad day.
> So, yada.penguin.yada sometimes is hard to reach. But, if you put in
> the IP address *NUMBER*!!, the whole DNS system is completely ignored
> and bypassed and you can go directly to the penguin chat server. See?
> So, once again I implore chatty kathy to put the IP address "numbers"
> on the rfc website and for you folks trying to access the chat room to
> use the IP address number ( instead of the domain name
> (
> My irc client, xchat, has in the server name (the
> /6667 is the port number. See above). I *never* have a problem
> reaching the chat room. It always brings up the chat server
> instantly.
> Whew! If you don't get it by now, may the fleas of a thousand camels
> infest your butter bell.
> nb
I had problems accessing chat with both the irc2 server and the
direct-IP (! I finally got into chat with the irc1
server. Seems there might be some gremlins playing around someplace
(?). I still can't access the irc2 or the direct-IP this morning. No
problem with the irc1 server (knock on wood).