New survey on the RFC site: What's hotter, left or right?
Nancy wrote on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 12:35:33 -0400:
??>> On Mar 16, 11:23 am, "Nancy Young" >
??>>> I thought standard was the hot tap was on the left,
??>>> assuming you have separate controls. Of course, I'm
??>>> speaking of the US.
??>> Unless you have a dyslexic plumber putting in your piping.
??>> At work the hot was on the right and the cold on the left.
??>> Now the darkroom has become a copier room so the problem
??>> is no more.
NY> Worse, a friend of mine moved into a brand new place and
NY> the water lines were switched so that the toilet water was
NY> hot. That's the only plumbing problem she told me about
NY> that I remembered. Ick.
The choice "hardly ever" was not given in the quiz and it would
have been appropriate since deviation from left--hot is very
uncommon but not completely unknown in the US.It often seems
random in Britain and I have had a few surprises in France when
I forgot that the label "C" stood for "chaud" (hot).
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: