Do you eat the fat?
> Both my parents and most of my many relations killed themselves a lot on the
> old 'normal' fatty diet. Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke. Funerals
> substituted for our annual family re-unions for a good few years.
> I used to like corned beef very much. We all did until the Typhus outbreak
> in the 50s. We didn't fancy it much after that. I know it tastes good, but
> please don't overdo it.
> Nemo.
> Vegan for 45 years.
Eating high calorie foods doesn't make someone fat or sickly. Not
eating a well balanced diet overall, and not getting enough exercise
is what makes people obese and sick. Veganism CLEARLY does not
guarantee good health, as most vegans I know have been some of the
sickest people I've known too. Humans are omnivores. It is beneficial
to the survival of our species that we have been omnivores.
Its a simple fact you cannot gain weight unless you consume more
calories than you burn everyday, Most adult women need around 2000,
most adult men need 2500 or so. It will vary based on body type and
your current weight of course. After these calories any additional
calories you eat will contribute to your growing thighs, hips,
buttocks, stomach , etc .... It does not matter if these calories come
from roast beef or tofu.
Salt as many have correctly stated is NOT bad for the average person.
Some people do react poorly to salt and it does increase THEIR blood
pressure, but that is not the case for the average person. If you are
one of those people who react to salt poorly well of course don't eat
gobs of it.
I can't believe how many people who are ignorant of basic nutrition
come in here and make claims as if they were truth. If you are a
vegan, great more meat for all the rest of us. But don't think for a
second that it is making you any more fit than anyone else.