Question About Avocados
Steve Wertz wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Mar 2007 22:08:55 -0500, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> Avocados have been $.50 each more often then not here
> in Austin. I've been pigging out. Honestly, the Chilean
> Hass's seem to be more consistent than the Californians.
> Mis-spelling of the century: They're not spelled "Haas".
"Haas avocado" = 12,600 hits on Google
"Hass avocado" = 50,500 hits on Google
And just for fun . . .
"Haas avacado" = 534 hits on Google
"Hass avacado" = 285 hits on Google
Note the inversion of the scores when
a delibrate misspelling is introduced.
And for even more fun . . .
"mis-spelling" = 133,000 hits on Google
"misspelling" = 2,820,000 hits on Google
"mispelling" = 185,000 hits on Google
And just to top it all off . . .
"incompetant" = 245,000 hits on Google
Time to call it a day. :-)