Ward Abbott > wrote in
> On 18 Mar 2007 15:30:02 -0700, wrote:
>>"Manufactured by HERSHEY, under license from the Cadbury
>>There really should be a
> It was labeled on the OUTSIDE of the package. They did
> everything they should have done. Why didn't you read
> the labeling more closely? This is your responsibility.
besides which, the ones now made by Hershey are *way* better
than the ones made by Peter Paul in the 70s. of course neither
one tastes like a "real" Cadbury's (which i find way too
sweet, besides being milk chocolate<ick>).
if you want to pay a dollar fifty or so, there are places
(like Shaw's in New England) that sell the imported Cadbury's.
just read the label.
Question with boldness even the existence of god; because if
there be
one, he must more approve the homage of reason than that of
fear. - Thomas Jefferson