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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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Default Hillary's Presidential hopes shot dead on Meet the Press! :)))

On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 13:33:35 -0500, Pan Ohco > wrote:

>On Sat, 17 Mar 2007 14:25:51 -0500, "cybercat" >
> wrote in message
>>>> My point is that it is not that easy to find some one who is actively
>>>> trying to avoid detection.
>>> Is it your stance that Bin Laden is too difficult to find, that we are
>>> incapable of doing so?

>>The statement above made me laugh out loud.
>>Saying the CIA etc. have not found someone because he is hiding
>>is like saying the Army hasn't subdued an enemy force because,
>>"It's not that easy to conquer people who are shooting back."

>O.K. Cybercat how would YOU go about finding him.
>Your are on the ground in Afghanistan, how do you go about finding

let's see. a six-foot four-inch arab dragging around a dialysis
machine. yeah, that would be tough.

your pal,