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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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Default Hillary's Presidential hopes shot dead on Meet the Press! :)))

On 18 Mar 2007 16:32:52 -0700, wrote:

>At the time we said that we were reserving the
>> right to say we told you so. The US was not highly regarded in the Middle
>> East to begin with, personal freedoms are an affront to the Moslems,
>> support for Israel is a major thorn in their side, but now they have the
>> added morale of holding the moral high ground. Lying about the WMDs,
>> referring to documents they knew were forged, blaming Germany and France
>> for supplying material and technology for WMDs when most of it came from
>> the US, abducting people and sending them to limbo land like Gitmo,
>> outsourcing torture, using banned weapons in civilian areas, lying about it
>> and an attempt on the life of the journalist who exposed it have all
>> served only to diminish the moral stature of the US.

>I am more concerned about the assault on person freedoms in this
>country than anything else that is going on. I am happy to see
>Gonzales finally taken to task.

i'd rather gonzales was taken out back and shot. after applying this
administrations due process principles, of course.

your pal,