Electrolyte Panel
On Mar 19, 9:05 pm, "mayihelpyou" >
> Hi, this has been on my mind for sometime now, and I wanted to ask you
> all a few questions. I have read an article at Electrolyte Panel. I
> was reading about it on medical health care infohttp://www.medical-health-care-information.com/encyclopedia/E/Electro...
> which says An electrolyte panel is a test that measures the levels of
> several substances (including electrolytes) in your blood.
> Electrolytes are minerals, such as sodium and potassium, that are
> found naturally in the body. They keep the body's balance of fluids at
> the proper level and help maintain normal functions, such as heart
> rhythm, muscle contraction, and brain function. Your health
> professional may order an electrolyte panel for routine health
> screening or to help detect and monitor certain conditions. An
> electrolyte panel may be done to confirm a suspected electrolyte
> imbalance, which may occur after taking certain medications; for
> example, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors may increase
> potassium in the body, while certain diuretics may decrease potassium
> in the body....... While it must be true, I wonder what you have to say
> about it. Do let me know! Regards, Leena
And.....what does this have to do with tea??