In article >,
jay > wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 09:05:47 -0500, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > I have this Demeyere kettle:
> >
> That is a nice kettle! I've never seen Demeyere cookware. I think there
> is room here for at least one more piece though.
Demeyere is made in Belgium. My all time favorite pan is a Demeyere 5-6
qt saute and I've said here before that if I could have only one pan, it
would be that one. I also have some Sitram, Mauviel and All-Clad. I'd
recommend all four brands, actually, but All-Clad with reservations
because the wider pans like skillets and sautes will warp on a
high-wattage flat-top range and because of the angled handles. I did
not have that problem with gas. My favorite medium saucepans are
Mauviel. When purchasing skillets or saute pans, it is important to
remember that a handle that is parallel to the floor is better for
taking the pan from the range to under the broiler. It's also easier to
flip the food in the pan with this type of handle IMO. Demeyere's hefty
handle is great in that regard, allowing a firm grip with much more
surface contact between the hand and the handle. Men may not have as
much problem with this since they are stronger. But my 6'3" tall
husband doesn't like the All-Clad handles either; he says they feel
"flimsy and stupid". Mostly I buy pans when they are on special or
cosmetic 'seconds'--- not in sets--- and I watch the reviews on
individual pans very carefully. I also have a Calphalon SS roasting pan
that I really like, having "retired" two others that were faulty for
various reasons.