"SBarbour" > wrote:
> "wff_ng_7" > wrote in message
> news:GTSLh.8134$EA.1020@trnddc07...
>> Just for comparison, I took a look at an 8 piece All Clad stainless set
>> vs. open stock at Chefs Catalog. The set price was $450. The total open
>> stock price was $645 ($50 + $105 + $140 + $155 + $195). From this, one
>> can see that one or two pans could be tossed away and you'd still come
>> out ahead.
> Just a thought... from time to time I notice those extra pots & pans that
> were originally sold in a set on eBay (not that I believe that you'd
> really toss away a good pan
That's a good idea, though it wasn't an option when I bought my All Clad set
over a dozen years ago. Ebay didn't exist yet! ;-) I do find occasional uses
for that one extra stock pot, it's not that odd ball of a piece. The other
thing I've found is people's cooking interests change, and things that you
think you might not use later come in quite handy.
wff_ng_7 (at) verizon (dot) net