Eating all your meals at a restaurant
In article >,
Julia Altshuler > wrote:
<snipped for space>
> All I can figure is that cooking is like that for some people.
I do actually understand... :-)
I have some mechanical ability and it floors me sometimes when people
cannot see obvious robotic connections. I have little trouble following
the directions of the phone service techs at work when I suddenly have
to attempt to fix a haywire $150,000.oo medical machine in the middle of
the night if the fix is simple and the parts are on hand.
Otherwise they are fed-exed and the service tech comes in asap.
About 2/3 of the time, I can fix it.
It's why dad finally embarassed me into being able to change my own oil.
> After
> learning to change the oil on my old Toyota,
See above. It's a Chevy S-10.
> the friend that showed me
> how went back home to another city, and I eventually got a new used car,
> and I never learned to check the oil on that one. Jim takes care of car
> maintenance now.
I pay Bradzoil as they do total preventive maintenance, not just oil
changes. Lubes, filters, etc. I'm not big on personal car maintenance
> Other than putting gas in the car and knowing to tell
> Jim when something looks or smells funny, I don't do cars anymore. I
> would guess that my clients don't do cooking anymore. They eat their
> meals out just as I would go to a mechanic for car repair if I didn't
> have Jim.
> --Lia
I actually understand. :-)
Some abilities appear to be genetic...
or ruled by priority.
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson