Does sugar or milk bind tannins rendering them useless?
SN > wrote:
>any evidence/biochem thoughts on this?
>does sugar bind tannins/polyphenols/bioflavonoids etc rendering them
>useless, not absorbable?
I believe the whole point of using lemon in tea is to destroy tannins.
I don't think sugar does anything other than to mask the taste. Milk
I don't know... it certainly reduces the tannic effect dramatically but
I am not sure if it is masking it or reacting with it.
>how about milk? i suppose either the protein or the fat could bind the
>tannins... i dont know what the final effect on the tannins would be...
Why do you want tea that is all nasty and tannic?
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."