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Phred Phred is offline
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Default Question About Avocados

In article <eTPLh.9206$zx.117@trndny05>, "ilaboo" > wrote:
>their leaves are great when mixed with black beans ( have a slight anise flavor)

I've heard that many aprts of the avocado are toxic to one or more
species of mammals or birds or ... etc., so I was curious about the
above observation and googled "toxicity avocado leaves".

Here's one report I found (stolen from

Reports of Toxicity
You may have seen various articles on the web that report that avocado
leaves may be toxic. I believe this topic is best explained by Diana
Kennedy if her new book “From My Mexican Kitchen” just published,

"Because there has been some concern about toxicity of avocado leaves
among some Californian aficionados, I think it is time to set the
record straight. The toxicity reports relate back to a study done in
1984 at the University of California at Davis, which showed that dairy
goats suffered some toxic effects from ingesting very large amounts of
avocado leaves (the toxic agent remains unknown). The crucial point,
according to Dr. Arthur L. Craigmill, toxicology specialist at Davis
and one of the authors of the study, is that the toxic effects were
traced to the Guatemalan avocado (Persea American). When the goats
were fed Mexican avocado leaves (Persea dryminfolia), a different
variety, there was no problem.

The Hass avocado, the best tasting one grown in America, is a hybrid
of indeterminate origin though its DNA tests positive for a Guatemalan
ancestor—hence the suspicions. No one has ever tested Hass leaves for
toxicity, but it seems unlikely that the small amounts used in cooking
would cause any problems in any case. When in doubt, choose based on
tasted and that leads you to the aromatic Mexican leaves which are now
available in the U.S."

There's a bunch of more technical stuff at

Cheers, Phred.
