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Default Best Breakfast for Us and Our Kids.

On Mar 21, 7:53 am, Dave Smith > wrote:
> " wrote:
> > For the best breakfast cereals look high and low...literally. They
> > keep the Oatmeal (plain) and shredded wheat and puffed wheat, rice and
> > corn on the very top or very bottom shelf. This is no accident. They
> > want the sugary stuff at eye level and within reach of kids. Far as I
> > know the only cereal that is 100% whole grain are the ones I just
> > listed. The others may contain some whole grain but that isn't the
> > same thing.

> Whose eye level? I ever have trouble finding what I want. The heavily
> sugared and flavoured cereals tend to be grouped together. Shredded Wheat
> is arranged by box size, the largest on the bottom shelf and the smallest
> sizes and spoon size on the higher shelves. There are several types and
> brands of oatmeal and other hot cereals all together. The large size
> economy brands on the bottom, better quality brands above that, Irish steel
> cut and other hot cereals on top of that.
> > Interesting history behind cereal. Kellogg who formulated the first
> > commercial cereal tried to keep sugar out of it. His original formula
> > contained no sweetner, but his brother and business partner got his
> > way. Too bad. I would like to taste some corn flakes without any
> > sugar. Heck, you could always add Splenda or nothing that way. dkw

> I never buy sweetened cereals. I prefer using a very dark brown sugar to
> the flavourless sugar they use.

Not at my Walmart. The plain oatmeal is on the lower shelves, but the
shredded wheat and puffed wheat and rice on on the very top shelf.
True, there are other cereals next to the good stuff, but that is
because they don't have enough good stuff to fill those shelves. I
have trouble even reaching those if they get shoved back a little.
It's arranged principally according to profits and marketing. They
make more money on the sugary stuff, so they want it to be handiest to
the largest no. of people. I would say the high profit items are
placed at eye level or slightly below, for an av. sized person...say
5' 6". Many people simply do not look up or down too far...especially
up. I have to admit, I never even saw the puffed wheat and rice way up
there for years, until I started actively seeking cereal with no added
sugar. dkw