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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default Best Breakfast for Us and Our Kids.

" wrote:
> or nothing that way. dkw
> >
> > I never buy sweetened cereals. I prefer using a very dark brown sugar to
> > the flavourless sugar they use.

> Not at my Walmart. The plain oatmeal is on the lower shelves, but the
> shredded wheat and puffed wheat and rice on on the very top shelf.
> True, there are other cereals next to the good stuff, but that is
> because they don't have enough good stuff to fill those shelves. I
> have trouble even reaching those if they get shoved back a little.
> It's arranged principally according to profits and marketing. They
> make more money on the sugary stuff, so they want it to be handiest to
> the largest no. of people. I would say the high profit items are
> placed at eye level or slightly below, for an av. sized person...say
> 5' 6". Many people simply do not look up or down too far...especially
> up. I have to admit, I never even saw the puffed wheat and rice way up
> there for years, until I started actively seeking cereal with no added
> sugar. dkw

Add that to my list of reasons not to shop at WalMart, but marketing is a
game. I buy Quaker large flake oatmeal and Shredded Wheat. The price of the
oatmeal is fairly consistent, varying by more more than 10 cents per 1 kg.
bag. Shredded Wheat OTOH varies by as much as $1.25 per box (24).
Curiously, it the 4 different stores where I shop, the large boxes of
Shredded Wheat are always on the bottom shelf..... kid level.