Thread: Baking potatoes
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Viviane Viviane is offline
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Posts: 44
Default Baking potatoes

Try using real garlic instead of garlic powder. That stuff is probably
loaded with salt (lucky you rarely use salt!) and yet is likely to contain
little if any garlic. The real stuff is so cheap and good.

"Dick Adams" > wrote in message
> My oven preheats to 425F (~220C) while the potatoes are washed
> and pierced. When the potatoes go into then oven, the oven gets
> set at timed baked for 65 minutes.
> I return after 55 minutes to take out plates, a small bowl,
> collect condiments and margerine, and chop some green onions.
> Wehn the bell rings, the oven is shut off and the potatoes are
> placed on plates. Each potato is sliced opened and its contents
> are scraped into the bowl where they are mixed with garlic powder,
> ground black pepper, bacon crubs, etc. As the contents are put
> back ito the potato, margerine is added.
> When all is done, the potatoes are microwaved on high for 45
> seconds.
> It just ain't as good as it could be. What am I missing?
> What an I not doing?
> Dick