Baking potatoes
On Mar 21, 8:31 am, (Dick Adams) wrote:
> My oven preheats to 425F (~220C) while the potatoes are washed
> and pierced. When the potatoes go into then oven, the oven gets
> set at timed baked for 65 minutes.
> I return after 55 minutes to take out plates, a small bowl,
> collect condiments and margerine, and chop some green onions.
> Wehn the bell rings, the oven is shut off and the potatoes are
> placed on plates. Each potato is sliced opened and its contents
> are scraped into the bowl where they are mixed with garlic powder,
> ground black pepper, bacon crubs, etc. As the contents are put
> back ito the potato, margerine is added.
> When all is done, the potatoes are microwaved on high for 45
> seconds.
> It just ain't as good as it could be. What am I missing?
> What an I not doing?
> Dick
I know this is not what you asking, Dick, but have you ever just had a
baked potato, with a little butter and salt and pepper? You probably
have and don't prefer it, but you are asking for a way to improve your
potato made with the condiments you have chosen in your stuffed
Here is how I prefer to bake a large russet.
Wash the potato, then instead of stabbing them with a knife to release
the steam, or putting a potato nail in them to make them bake faster
(or more even?), I actually make 3 complete slices in the potato so it
will not be as moist, and it will be a little bit more fluffy. The
difference is similar to mashed potatoes that are very wet, and mashed
potatoes that are fluffy. You can tell that I don't care for
'stuffed potatoes' because they usually are too moist (don't care for
wet mashed potatoes). Which do you like?
After they are cooked to doness, I take them out, slice them
lenthwise, add a little butter for taste, salt & pepper.
Um, Um, Good.
The potatoes are still really, really HOT!, so if you want to mix your
condiments in them, do so at the table. It won't cool the potatoes
off that much.
Potatoes are just as good (or better?) as a potassium replacement for
people who take diuretics for high-blood pressure.
Dee Dee
Bake at 425 for 15 minutes, and then the rest of the time at 375.