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[email protected] is offline
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Default Hillary's Presidential hopes shot dead on Meet the Press! :)))

> Did you not use the link to see the graph?

I saw the table, I graphed it myself.

> > > police casualties. Police deaths are showing a downward trend. Civilian
> > > deaths are increasing, and that may be due to the insurgents getting better
> > > at killing more people with more effective locations and times of
> > > explosions.

> > Or an expanding civil war...

> You could suggest that if it were in fact a civil war, fighting in the
> streets, gun battles erupting between rival faction's and such. But it
> isn't. It is groups of insurgents using bombs, usually at crowded
> locations. I provided a like that graphed the trend and list all the
> incident. If you had bothered to check the site you would see that if
> lists the incidents. It has a lot of incidents of mortar bomb attacks, car
> bomb attacks, a lot of murders. What is conspicuously absent is incidents
> of armed clashes between rival groups.

If you want to call it an insurgency, that's fine. The increase in
civilian deaths is marked and suggests to me, as I've been saying all
along, that the situation is deteriorating. The violence is sectarian
in nature and the government, as it stands, seems unable or unwilling
to stop it.

The last word is yours, if you'd like it.